Pastor Tindal was born on March 18th,1975 to the parents of Bishop and Lady Henry Tindal Sr. in Baltimore, MD.  Pastor Tindal begin serving the Lord at a young age. He begin playing the drums and keyboards at the age of 3 years old, and was enrolled at the Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church school of music under Dr. Rhone. It was at that time that his parents recognized the gift of music and ministry upon his life. Under the leading and direction of the Holy Ghost, Pastor Tindal's parents begin at a young age to cultivate the gifts and callings upon Pastor's head.

As Pastor Tindal begin to grow up, the gifts and calling begin to become more evident in his life. By the age of 12, Pastor Tindal had already begin to play for the youth choir as well as assistant church musician to Dr. George Tindal. Pastor Tindal's ability to play the Hammond Organ begin to greatly be recognized across Baltimore. Pretty soon, Pastor Tindal begin to receive offers to play for other church and choirs. By the age of 16, Pastor was travelling all throughout Baltimore and begin to venture into Washington, DC. It was there that he met Dr. U. Moye and begin to play for the Moye Ensemble. There was a season of about one year and a half that Pastor Tindal was playing for 5 churches on Sundays which included an 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 3:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. service. This was a busy time is Pastor's life. Pastor Tindal begin college and also became music teacher and fine arts department head for the Madonna Catholic School in Baltimore. There he taught over 1000 students Music Education, Vocal Instruction and Spiritual Music.

As Pastor Tindal became more popular as a "Church Organist", he begin to play for more groups and choirs and begin to travel. His travels were extensive and it seemed like Pastor was always on the go. The Lord called him to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ when he was 19 years old. By the age of 22, he was ordained by his father, Bishop Tindal, and the board of Bishops of the Sounds of Praise Fellowship Ministries. It was in the year 1997 that Pastor Tindal was sent to Richmond, VA to open a church. There "God's Church of Deliverance" was established. God begin to move immediately and in a span of less then one year, over 450 souls were saved and added to the body of Christ.
We may not always understand God when He moves, but who are we?

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